Senin, 13 Juni 2011

8 Easy Steps to Understanding Mathematics

One of the lessons that are not liked by the students in school is math. Like it or not, mathematics will be studied by students from elementary school go on to finish in high school. If since the beginning of the students did not like mathematics, most likely he will continue to not like him to finish high school. Despite so many students who became like the math for any reason. Teachers who provide material with a good method, can change the way the students on a subject. Could be initially disliked the lessons to be liked, or vice versa.

Many things are a factor of mathematics included in one of the subjects avoided. Abstract mathematics as a science requires more brain activity than the other subjects. As a science that is deductive, mathematical filled with abstract symbols. Of course, different ways of learning math by learning other subjects that allow students to view objects. Mathematics learning activities almost entirely in the left brain, the brain that work in a structured and analitycs.
To learn and understand math easily, it takes the right strategy. It should be understood that the mathematics curriculum has been structured so that each item related to each other. Each subject requires knowledge about the material preconditions that have been studied previously. By understanding this, every person who will study mathematics have to force myself to understand the prerequisite knowledge before understanding the material which will he discussed. The simplest example is if you want to learn to count integer, then you must know which integers it. Also on the positive integers, negative integers, summation symbols and logical sum.
Although filled with numbers and symbols, math is actually the science of analyzing the problem. Mathematics is the science of logic it takes every person in analyzing the problem easily. Some algorithms work on math will teach students to see a simple problem, then determine the appropriate steps and quick to resolve the problem. Mathematical ability is often directly proportional to one's ability to analyze problems. Broadly speaking it can be concluded that students who are smart mathematics will usually be more easily understood in other lessons.
To help understand math easily, here are some things you can do:
  1. Understand the requirement of knowledge on every subject. The existence of a hierarchy of materials in mathematics lesson requires students to understand the knowledge requirement. This becomes very important for students not experiencing errors when studying the theory of understanding the concept of the subject concerned.
  2. Begin discussing the matter with the familiar basic principles, theories and formulas involved in the principal material. By knowing the basic principles and general theory, students will be able to connect the problem that is being studied with the material he had previously been understood. This will speed up the process of absorption of course material.
  3. Do the easiest questions first. Usually given problem is a matter in accordance with the formula, without any change at all. This will help students learn the basic steps needed to solve problems more difficult. If you are unable to resolve a problem, leave it out and replace it with another question. The more often you find a problem that finds the analysis, the better your ability to see and find the solutions needed.
  4. Avoid the opinion that mathematics is difficult. Although the reality may be so, the belief that 'mathematics is easy' will help the brain to really relax when thinking. Pessimistic thoughts that will lead to large effects for the failure to learn. This is consistent with the notion that 'success in life begins with beliefs the subconscious'. Ability to think positively will help the learning process better.
  5. Do not give up when it was unable to finish a math test. Students who think that mathematics is difficult, often complain not to work on a matter of fact before he tried. It should if it was unable to solve problems in one step, perform a second experiment. If you cannot afford a second, try a third time, and so on. Persistence is very needed in the study. This also will occur in the process of learning mathematics. So be patient and enthusiastic And very important.
  6. Do it at least a math problem in a day. Practice make perfect is a good motto for you to follow. The more often do the problems will be more accustomed to hands, eyes and brain in analyzing the matter.
  7. Ask for help on someone more expert. If unable to resolve problems with ease, ask for help from others who might be able to help you. This will help reduce the burden on the mind and refresh his memory. Occasionally you will also need to seek other references from the book you're using now.
  8. Read books about mathematics minor. I found a lot of math books that have now been presented with an easily understandable, simple and not chaotic. There is a book called 'Satan Figures' which tells the story of a small child and his dreams about numbers. Or also a book about 'Why Math is like a gossip' that will make you discover many new things in math.
Hopefully these simple tips can help you understand math easily. Are you also have other tips on understanding the math?

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